Five Pounds of Flax

Every culture has a burrito.

Welcome to the So-So

Wednesday, January 31, 2007posted by Michael Rothwell @ 6:50 PM

Ballmer in an iPod video... sorta

Welcome To The So-So - video powered by Metacafe

Catalog Card Generator

Tuesday, January 16, 2007posted by Michael Rothwell @ 3:42 PM

Fun! Make your own here:

IMAP-IDLE begins to get a UI

Monday, January 15, 2007posted by Michael Rothwell @ 9:44 PM

I'm adding a preference pane to the IMAP-IDLE plugin. To the right is a screenshot of it in its currently "woohoo it's loading my nib but it doesn't really do anything yet" state. And yes, that's a piece of toast with a postmark on it. IMAP-IDLE: your Mail Toasterâ„¢ -- or something like that (apparently I'm feeling a little silly at the moment). The URL in the screenshot doesn't work yet. But ask, and ye shall receive -- that will be the "permanent URL" for information about IMAP-IDLE for